Graphical Wednesday
PAST December 26, 2001 NEXT

* Christmas *
Well I decided that I should make some kind of picture for Christmas so that's what I did on Christmas day and this is what I came up with. An accumulation of a multitude of pictures here I thought it came out pretty neat.

Have a Merry Christmas.

How I did it:
This image is composed of seven separate images all put together. First of al I used a totally fabricated space background that I had made. This image was made from random noise generated from a very dim image. Enhancing the contrast and brightness until the random noise came out. This also presents the image with extremely bright pixels so I had to decrease and take some of the color away to make it more realistic. Next I overlaid a background of the sky, with light clouds in it. I made this layer quite transparent so that the stars could shine through. Blending the right effect makes the stars only shine through where there clouds are less dense. Then I added some deep purple color to my new layer. After that I overlaid another image from a view of the Blue Ridge mountains to provide the hills in the distance. I found a shot I had done of  the sand on a beach near Panama City, FL. I had walked off to the water's edge and it left the footprints in the sand. Overlaying the same image again, but skewing and resizing it provided for the illusion of depth for the sand, further back, as the footsteps go even further than they did in my original shot. I found a shot of some rocks from the Blue Ridge mountains and then added the palm trees, From Eloy, Arizona, on the right. After all that I added a lens flare effect to provide the bright star. The neat effect this provided also enhanced the image as the glare tends to leave flares around the image. In this case, specifically beyond the hills to give a strange glow on the horizon.

The full resolution version of this image is quite impressive and would make a neat conversation piece to have on your wall.