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Yesterday I walked 14 miles, all of it downhill, and y'know what? Today my rear is really, REALLY sore! It hurts to sit, it hurts to stand, it hurts to move.
Pam, the nice hairdresser lady, found a couple driving to the SLC Airport. So they hauled my cart to Eureka, paid for a motel room for me, left a few items there at the motel, and then took my cart on to the next town, Goshen. There in Goshen they dumped my cart off at the Cafe on Main St. and they put it in their shed.
Then I got to Eureka, spent the night there at the motel and headed out from there. Eureka is built on a summit and is over 7,000 ft high. The entire 14 miles to Goshen is all downhill (no kidding) and boy are my legs & rear sore!
I'm trying to get to Provo a little ahead of schedule. Provo is as near as I'll get to Salt Lake City, where the Epilepsy Foundation of Utah
is. I'm hoping maybe they'll come get me at Provo and let me spend a couple days in SLC. I don't know if that'll work yet, but I'm hoping it will.
Y'all take care. Hope you had a great weekend. KB

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